Saturday, January 8, 2011

Honey Bee = Sister Wife?

Recently, there has been a question that has planted worry into my mind. The question, itself, isn't necessarily a question, really; it's more of an concerned thought. I was looking at the new Snoop Dogg video yesterday, and while I loved the song I couldn't help but shake my head at the video. Now, I know you might be saying "Oh boy, here's another one of those feminists making a speech about the degrading of women in music videos." or "Wow she's a hypocrite. How can she hate the video, but still love that nasty song?" 
Well, I'm here to say that I am not going to bash the music industry about the degradation of women in its music videos. (That's for another time...Haha) And I'm not pointing fingers at just Hip Hop videos; the same thing can be said about Bret Michaels' videos. I just chose to use Snoop Dogg, because his video was the last one I seen and he's a perfect candidate for the topic I'm going to discuss.
Anyway, to get on with my next venting elaboration, I've come to fill your eyes with the concern that married, male music artists are in videos with hundreds of half naked women gyrating and throwing themselves all over these artists. I know, I know. Who cares, right? But that is just my concern. When did we get so desensitized about married men grinding on camera with a woman who is not his wife? A lot of those scenes in music videos have "sex scenes"; the artist and said "leading lady" have come so close as to putting their lips on each other; and the couple of girls these committed men are dancing with are either feeling them up or basically giving them a private dance on a very public camera. 
Many people say in defense that it's just work, it's business. Yea? Well, I say that's bull, and leave that "It's just business" line for the porn stars. I mean, my fiance is a producer and he sometimes rap with his group. So are you telling me that, that's what I have to look forward to? I'm supposed to be just OK with it, and smile stupidly when the scene comes up of them almost, but not quite, kissing? No, I'm not, because I know for certain it wouldn't be just OK if it were vice versa. If it were a woman musician with all these men touching her and kissing on her, she would be labeled dirty and a whore.
So I ask you, why is it still OK for male musicians to have their sweet honey bee? Why do we as women just turn our heads and ignore the jealousy and betrayal we truly feel? It's as if our men have other wives. It's a minor polygamy system. Yes, those Hollywood, plastic honey bees are our sister wives. You never hear of a woman having numerous husbands, and you don't see a female musician being treated equivalently with many male counterparts in her videos. Guess this world is male chauvinistic after all. Change, please?

1 comment:

  1. So u saying I can't have bitches puring champagne in my video? lol Damn..welp scratch that jp I love it tho babe..It gives the usual degradation of women in videos a new spin because no one ever looked at as the wife of that artist could get jealous as if it were another relationship of some sort..Kudos!
